A is for Amor
/0 Comments/in Books, Parent Tips /by canteditA is for Amor
About This Activity
Let’s write the letter A! ¡Letra A! This activity helps kids practice letter writing in English and Spanish while making real world learning connections to further expand and interpret their knowledge.
1. Print activity sheet, if you don’t have a printer look at the activity on your computer and practice on a lined sheet of paper.
2. Follow the arrow with your pencil, then practice writing the letter A in upper case and lower case by tracing along the dotted line.
3. Try your superpower! Look around for words that start with the letter A while driving and say the letter in English and Spanish.
This activity helps create a foundation in early bilingual literacy by introducing letters in creative and interactive settings.
It’s a common misconception that your child can only learn a new language in a formal classroom setting, the best results come when the child learns at their own pace and in a style that best suits them
Kids learn a lot from their parents, which is why it’s important to engage their learning even in every day settings. Letters form the foundation for early bilingual literacy, which is also strengthened through the bubble game in the Canticos App.
Activity Sheet
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